ttb has set up a Whistleblower Policy and Procedure approved by the Board of
Directors as a channel for a person to inform the Bank of violations of laws
and regulations, misconduct and unethical behaviors, frauds committed by
employees or external parties that may have impact on the interests of the
Bank, either financially or non financially.
The purpose of the Policy is to promote good corporate governance, high
standards of ethical conduct as well as integrity and reputation of the Bank.
ttb encourages employees, to bring to the notice of the Bank any honest and
factual issue involving compromise or violation of ethical norms, legal or
regulatory provisions.
ttb will not discharge, demote, suspend, threaten, harass, or in any other
matter discriminate against an employee in the terms and conditions of
employment because of any lawful or other actions done by the employee with
respect to good faith, honest and factual reporting of complaints or
participation in a related investigation.
ttb also encourages customers, shareholders, vendors and business partners to
report similar incidents to the Bank.
The person making the report should give clear statement of the issue as well
as name of reporting person, the place and date of occurrence, telephone
number or email address for contacting so that the Whistleblower Reporting
Officer can respond back on progress of the investigation or in case
additional information is needed. ttb will maintain the confidentiality of the
complaint or anonymity of the person making the complaint to the fullest
extent reasonably practicable within the legitimate needs of law. However,
reports may be submitted on an anonymous basis but they may not facilitate
follow-up and responses on progress of the case.
Whistleblower can describe information such as fraud case or misconduct in the
form shown below used form ttb and its financial group.